Sunday, April 17, 2016

Brisbane hospital sued over breast surgery and other top stories.

  • Brisbane hospital sued over breast surgery

    Brisbane hospital sued over breast surgery
    Brisbane hospital sued over breast surgeryBrisbane hospital sued over breast surgeryTwo women are suing a Brisbane hospital for allegedly botching their preventive surgeries for breast cancer.Single mother-of-four Natasha Murrie, 43, and Michelle Cullen,52, have filed medical negligence compensation claims in the District Court in Brisbane against the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.They both underwent mastectomies and reconstructions and were allegedly left with deformities requiring invasi..
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  • Irishman reveals secret 10-year struggle with depression in video to help combat stigma

    Irishman reveals secret 10-year struggle with depression in video to help combat stigma
    An Irishman has told of how he lived “two different lives” for almost a decade as he battled with an internal struggle with depression.Doug Leddin, 27, had been secretly seeking professional help for the illness since he was 16 unbeknownst to even his closest friends and family. After years of private shame and embarrassment in relation to what he was feeling, the successful marketing manager decided enough was enough, and made a very public announcement of all he had been going through. In a ..
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  • UK doctors fear 'super-gonorrhoea' spread

    UK doctors fear 'super-gonorrhoea' spread
    The Australian's Editor-at-Large Paul Kelly takes a look at Turnbulls trip to China 2:59 The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal 1:39 NASA released striking footage on April 15 showing what it described as arches of magnetic field lines towering over the sun€™s edge. The footage was captured by NASA€™s Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory on April 5-6. In its description of the footage, NASA wrote: €œCharged particles spiraling along these magnetic fields emit e..
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  • The photo Anna wants you to see

    The photo Anna wants you to see
    Anna wants people to understand the impact psoriasis can have. Picture: Anna LysakowskaLAST year I wrote an article describing my experiences living and travelling with chronic conditions. While the responses from readers on my website Anna Everywhere were mainly positive, when it appeared on many reactions weren’t nice at all. Lots of people described me as this “pretty girl who has a few red dots on her skin and complains” and others just focused on a photo that ran with the story ..
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  • Study offers clearer understanding of how obese people can sustain weight loss - News

    Study offers clearer understanding of how obese people can sustain weight loss - News
    �ko#ɲ ��p�CιC����D��Y�"%�H�Z���P�$YR��]U$E�4���`{�ea��a��0`��i����aq���6"3�Ū"�nu�,pyδȪ�Ȉ��Ȉ���?���z��R�و��;4���%�K��j�c����2���r�:�Cyò��6�:5��U�fXU*kddӞ�����;DT����!͙�w��ğ�z�wD�pފ7�e�� �+��8�'{��e��t�.`�!*���q铛CBv�:�m��{�ݦ��!��w���}�q�ڌX��-�6�����+��n��%XSb)ԡdD��A�*��C�$S��.1,��s�w�n>�{(m��*2 ��l�N�&�OR _�7�r�|a3_.l�~�O�I���I?��'A���O��I�߆쌞�zس#��e�P�a�޹ܧ8T'Gc�Н���9���;}��tC���B�����r�T�lm�ۛ�rN�c"��QG����[fH~N!D E@&����k�;�P���>u\(a�������X6�u2�.��F��m ɥ�O�A�v��:�6s �7�@�P"�5��_�a覃x �k1,�f`��D�..
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  • Boy with Asperger's unleashes inner poet with incredible 'I am odd, I am new' poem

    Boy with Asperger's unleashes inner poet with incredible 'I am odd, I am new' poem
    The poem has been shared more than 13,000 times since it was posted online. (Facebook/National Autism Association) A ten-year-old boy blew his parents away when he shared a poem he had written that perfectly explained his experience of Asperger’s syndrome with them. Benjamin Giroux has been living life on the autism spectrum for all his young life but it wasn’t until he was given a particular homework task that he was able to fully give his parents a peek into his mind. His primary school teach..
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  • Decades-old study challenges advice on saturated fat

    Decades-old study challenges advice on saturated fat
    A four-decades-old study - recently discovered in a dusty basement - has raised new questions about longstanding dietary advice and the perils of saturated fat in the American diet. The research, known as the Minnesota Coronary Experiment, was a major controlled clinical trial conducted from 1968 to 1973, which studied the diets of more than 9,000 people at state mental hospitals and a nursing home. During the study, which was paid for by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Inst..
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  • Cholesterol-fighting drug molecule can kill prostate cancer cells - News

    Cholesterol-fighting drug molecule can kill prostate cancer cells - News
    �ko#ɲ ��p�C�١�K|K���,IQ{$�A�9; �$K*V�����3 �?�ػ�ea��a��0`��i����aq�k����YOVQT���܋�s�EVeFFDFFDfFF���û?i���'��ܱ��/�]:vT�7|����d;�w���=�w�̩ۮ�4êRY#��݌5�&��5���i�t�#e�i~�|Gd'�x�]f�ݘ�2+ �S�q7ӴL����3D�v3.}r�H�QG��Pw��w meH~�t�4G�A�ږ! �����!��鐌�:5(Qe�TY�+��Jm�R�p��흡�Ħ�n�X���F���>�f�ٺ ,��T������|�P�(T��$�$DI�P� ��(IJGIb(���� ��0�������X�͖ ��Og��5`��5�*����&��YZ�Р�5��B�P,U �Rus�T��(W����Z�:��O\�2C��ueS�m��6��1�^�]�v�T���@�-��'s�d���=��ȫt�Z�C,3"��Ț�Gj�8I6ut���K�V�0�Mm�p[9b�c�ɤ�������HM�8D��`��B���:���m ..
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Guy accidentally deletes his entire company with just one line of bad code .Economists looked at jobs, RBA, finance .
Brisbane traffic: Jogger hit by car in Brisbane's north .Symantec Internet Security Threat Report - Australia is a top 10 target .

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